There is / there are

Write full answers to the questions using there is / there are.


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Well Done! Congratulations!

Oops! Either there are mistakes or you need to reformulate some of your answers!

#1. How many red cars are there ? ? Give a full answer.

#2. Are there many cars ? ? Give a full answer.

You made a mistake or try to reformulate your answer.

#3. How many air-balloons are there in the sky ? ? Give a full answer.

Correct your mistake or try to reformulate your answer.

#4. How many robots are there ? ? Give a full answer.

Correct the mistakes or try to reformulate your answer.

#5. How many cowboys are there ? ? Give a full answer.


#6. How many planes are there on the ground? ? Give a full answer.

#7. Are there five planes in the sky ? ? Give a full answer.

Correct mistakes or try to reformulate your answer.

#8. How many footballers are there in the photo ? ? Give a full answer.

Correct mistakes or try to reformulate your answer.

#9. Is there only one runner on the tracks ? ? Give a full answer.

Correct mistakes or try to reformulate your answer.

#10. Count and write how many air-balloons there are on the ground and in the air. ? Give a full answer.

Correct mistakes or try to reformulate your answer.
